Notice: Draws take place everyday from Monday to Sunday after draw next draw will be at 18:10 UTC +6

New Terms of Turkistan Pools Responsible Gambling
Our update on Responsible Gambling at Turkistan Pools
What things must you follow in the etiquette of placing bets? We will break it down into several points which we will explain in detail but which can also be easily understood.
Determine the Goal in Placing a Bet
When placing a bet, of course we have to think about what our goals are in betting and what our goals are in choosing. All goals initially come from thoughts and those thoughts then become actions that can determine whether we will place a bet or not. So, when placing a bet, you are required to think deeply about your goals in placing the bet. Thinking critically will reduce you from avoiding placing meaningless bets.
Determine the Budget Limits and Type of Budget for Betting
Betting costs money. But how much and what money should be used in betting? In the most general world of economics, there is a term for money used for daily needs and money saved. Until now, many have suggested using savings to place bets but we really don't recommend it. For those of you who are professional bettors, of course the money you need for your daily needs is set aside for your daily needs and should not be disturbed. Meanwhile, savings money is money that is used for your retirement in the future. So what money should be used to bet? The answer is that if you have implemented the first goal in placing a bet, then you can use the remaining money that you have filtered. This means that if you have saved and determined your daily needs, then there will be money left over that can optionally be used for daily needs or saved. You can save half of the remaining money as an emergency fund and you can use the rest to place bets. Once again, this is only the best simulation that we provide so that you don't get caught in a cycle of economic difficulties when placing bets.
Make sure to be patient
Once you have determined your budget, we also suggest that you determine your schedule and how many times you will play. Because here your patience will also be tested. So, with these limitations, you can determine that your bet placement will run well and without any obstacles.
How To Play

News & Notice
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New Terms of Turkistan Pools Responsible Gambling.
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